Nutrient – Rich Vegan Chocolate Sweet Potato Milkshake

Vegan Chocolate Sweet Potato Milkshake

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Blend, Sip, Enjoy: The Art of Vegan Chocolate Sweet Potato Milkshake:

Indulge in the goodness of a vegan chocolate milkshake that’s not only luscious but also brimming with nutrients and antioxidants! Crafted with sweet potatoes, frozen bananas, and raw cacao powder, this shake is a guilt-free delight.

Treat yourself to the wholesome delight of our Vegan Chocolate Sweet Potato Milkshake – a blend that combines decadence with nutrition. This delightful concoction features the natural sweetness of sweet potatoes, the creaminess of frozen bananas, and the richness of antioxidant-packed Ideal Cacao.

Each sip is a guilt-free indulgence, bringing together the delightful flavors of maple syrup, ground cinnamon, and ginger.Top it off with optional garnishes like melted dark chocolate, Ideal Cacao Nibs, or coconut whipped cream for an extra touch of yum. Enjoy a glass of this Vegan Chocolate Sweet Potato Milkshake – it’s an easy, tasty, and nourishing pick-me-up!


  • 1/4 cup Ideal Cacao
  • 2 medium-sized sweet potatoes (about 14 ounces or 400g)
  • 3 cups coconut milk
  • 3 large, ripe frozen bananas
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

Optional garnishes: melted dark chocolate, Ideal Cacao Nibs, coconut whipped cream, etc.

Instructions of Vegan Chocolate Sweet Potato Milkshake:

  • Bake sweet potatoes in the oven at 400ºF/200ºC for 40-60 minutes until fork-tender. Cool, then slide off the skins.
  • In a high-powered blender, combine milk, sweet potato flesh, frozen bananas, cacao powder, maple syrup, cinnamon, and ginger.
  • Blend until pureed, creating a thick, smooth, and creamy texture. Sweeten with additional maple syrup if needed.
  • Pour the milkshake into glasses and top as desired. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Crucial Cacao Preparation Notes: Simplify your cacao preparation with care:

Powder-Type Form:

Blitz larger chunks of Ideal Cacao in a Nutri-Bullet, Thermomix, or Food Processor for 10 seconds.

Liquid Consistency:

Pour boiling water into a pot with the cacao and stir over heat until melted. Never leave unattended, and avoid exceeding 87 Degrees Celsius.

Have fun crafting this wholesome delight! 😊

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